Day 6 - Dredge ten

Spectacular photo taken by Eric Woehler from _Birdlife Australia_ of a red-footed booby scrambling to catch a flying fish.
Spectacular photo taken by Eric Woehler from Birdlife Australia of a red-footed booby scrambling to catch a flying fish.

We are making some good progress - already 10 dredges in less than a week. Our dredge was delayed for several hours because the winch got stuck and we ended up going a little bit manic as you can see…

A Pans Labyrinth-inspired rock identification.
A Pans Labyrinth-inspired rock identification.

I was told to secure in place a box of sediment samples. A solution to which I vigorously took to and over-engineered a solution.

There's no such thing as too many octopus straps in the name of safety.
There’s no such thing as too many octopus straps in the name of safety.

This endearing photo was taken toward the end of the shift.

Jo Whittaker (Chief scientist) and Chantelle Ridley (scientific researcher) share a moment with their rock baby, Charlton.
Jo Whittaker (Chief scientist) and Chantelle Ridley (scientific researcher) share a moment with their rock baby, Charlton.

Jo genuinely looks like she is going to love Charlton, while Chantelle looks like a parent who has just realised what they’ve got themselves into.
