Day 17 - T-shirts!

The very talented illustrator, Quinn Anderson, designed our T-shirt commemorating the voyage! Thanks to Jeremy Horowictz for spearheading this initiative and Maria Seton who will bring them to the dock in Brisbane when we arrive on the 3rd of September.


Jamie Menzies, an educator onboard, showed us how he uses interactive learning to teach kids about science. He’s trying to change the perception of scientists as being old white men in lab coats experimenting with test tubes. Science can be fun! Jamie and his team at Move2Learn engage kids to express, communicate, and develop their scientific thinking - and have fun at the same time.

'Science Charades' is a fun way to express scientific concepts. Chief scientist, Jo Whittaker, shows us how its done.
‘Science Charades’ is a fun way to express scientific concepts. Chief scientist, Jo Whittaker, shows us how its done.

BIG dredge

It was a long night as we catalogued over 30 samples trawled in from the northernmost part of the Louisiad Plateau. We got a lot of volcanic breccia, dolerite, and even a coconut!

The rocks keep multiplying!
The rocks keep multiplying!